

Friday, August 7, 2015

Summer DIY

Hey guys!

Summer is almost over :(

I decided to spend some time to do a little DIY. I have to mention that even though I love photography and I love the arts, I’m not THAT good at DIY. That’s why I like to keep things simple, but it’s also partly because I don’t have a lot of fancy materials to begin with. HAHA.

I have 4 DIY projects to share with you, all of which I got inspiration from somewhere else like Pinterest or Youtube. All of these are SUPER easy, so feel free to recreate these projects.

Mood DIY

Using emojis I found on the Internet, I made a Mood decoration for my wall. Basically, I found emojis that represented what I feel the most often and every day, according to my mood, I will hang one up.

1. I used different colored paper (Blue for Mood, and a cut out from a notebook I finished using) so that it looks slightly nicer.

2. I also found a clothes peg that had a tiny heart on it, so I decided to make that the peg for the mood.

3. For the other pegs, I painted them with nail polishes which I do not use very often. However, these nail polishes were still fairly opaque so that I did not have to paint over the pegs numerous times.

4. I printed and cut out the emojis. Since I had rather limited space, I clipped 2 or 3 emojis together.

And that’s literally it.

Table organizer DIY

I made a small table organizer for paper and pens using cereal boxes and toilet rolls.

1. Firstly, I drew out the shape I wanted using a sharpie and I cut out the shape.

2. Using the cut out, I traced it on the other side of the box and continued cutting.

3. For the other box, I just cut it so that it’s the same height as the toilet rolls.

4. I painted all the boxes and toilet rolls with acrylic and let it dry.

5. Lastly, I glued the toilet rolls onto the box.
This is a great way to recycle materials into something simple but useful!

Photo frame decoration

The title may be misleading because I did not decorate the actual photo frame, but I used printed photos to decorate my room. All I did was print photos and put them into the frames. I feel like it’s such a simple DIY but it made such a difference to my room. 

Accessories organizer DIY
Using a shoe box, I made a DIY organizer for some of my jewelry.

1. I found lots of boxes that were empty and also 2 toilet rolls that I used up.

2. For the toilet rolls, I decided to wrap colored paper around them instead of painting them because I found in the previous DIY that the paint did not end up as opaque as I hoped it would.

3. Lastly, I glued all the items onto the shoe box.
On a side note, I like keeping my necklaces in tiny plastic bags so that they don’t get tangled.

This DIY is seriously so easy and it can really help to keep all your small items in one place so that you will reach for them more often. I have hair bows, rings, bracelets and necklaces here but you can definitely sort other stuff by your preference.

That is all I have for now! I have a lot of DIY projects I would like to try, but I just have so little time for them. I promise to try out more DIY projects when I’m all done with college apps. Thank you for reading :)